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Mend with Colour and Joy!
Here at Ministry of Mending we're passionate about helping you to discover the JOY in mending your own clothes, especially with a darning loom - we might just be a little bit hooked on that! 😉
Ministry of Mending was created in 2019 by Becs McLaughlin when she couldn't find the simple, clear advice she needed to mend a thread-bare crotch on her favourite pair of jeans. Nothing seemed to exist for real beginners, nor could she find a dedicated shop selling hand-picked mending supplies. Becs has always had a passion for helping others and learning new crafts, so in her spare time she decided to share what she had learnt about mending with others by creating this website and shop.
We're always on the hunt for mending tools & haberdashery that are gentle on the planet.
Browse our online shop and you'll find plastic-free, vintage, reclaimed & locally-produced items to make mending simple and spark a little JOY in your heart.

Along my mending journey I've learnt a lot! I follow my intuition when it comes to mending. I think about the garment, the type of 'problem' and my own style when deciding how to mend my clothes. Still, my ethos is 'just give it a go'. Nothing is ever perfect! As long as you can wear the garment again you've done a great job.
I love to search in charity shops, fairs and car boot sales for vintage and retro items. I have a large collection of 60s and 70s fabrics, haberdashery, tins and pottery. I use vintage needles, thread and fabrics in my mending and so decided to also stock a selection in my shop for you!
Alongside mending I enjoy growing my own fruit and veg in my mini allotment. I live in Cornwall with my husband Dan and my cat called Bonnie. They are both one of a kind and I feel so lucky to have them both in my life.
Cornwall is such a beautiful place to live so I also spend a lot of my time at the beach either wild swimming or beachcombing for treasures. I find it an amazing therapy for the madness of the world.
I really hope you find this website useful! If there is anything you love to use in your mending and you can't see it on the website, then please get in touch.
Happy mending! Becs x x
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